What to expect in the housing market during the presidential elections.

With the 2024 presidential election just months away, you might be wondering if buying or selling a home will be affected by this event. Historically, presidential elections have only a small, temporary impact on the housing market, but buyers and sellers alike worry about this. That’s why today, I will explain what typically happens to home sales and home prices during election years.

  • During election years, one trend we’ve observed is that home sales typically slow down during presidential elections. November sales tend to be slower because people feel uncertain and hesitant about making big decisions without knowing how the political climate will impact real estate or the economy in general.

“Your property’s value will continue to appreciate over the years despite slow sales during elections.”

  • Elections may have a significant impact on other aspects, but home prices rise yearly regardless of elections. In fact, the only time home prices decreased during election season was during a housing market crash.

So, if you’re worried about your house losing value because of an election, you can rest easy knowing that real estate values will continue to appreciate. If you’re considering buying or selling, elections shouldn’t deter you from reaching your goals. Call us today at 1-800-722-2585 and we’ll help you get the best deals in the market.